Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Mrs. "Incredible" stopped by for a workout!


3 rounds

400 m run
21 DB swings
12 pullups


Thursday, October 30, 2008


An AWESOME overhead squat by Vicki (did I mention she is a beginner?!) and some CFT action with JP and me.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Brrrrrrrr! Today makes me especially thankful for the furnace we put in last month!

New kickboxing classes posted! Click on the Wadsbar Kickboxing link on the left.

Please welcome new member Sarah Cole! She's done 3 crossfit workouts and she's doing great!

CrossFit Total (CFT)

Max Deadlift
Max Backsquat
Max Shoulder Press

score is total # lifted

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Ring dips

Prescribed weight is 135#. Scale as needed.

JP and I figured out this cool way to do assisted ring dips with the rubber bands!
Great post from Jon Gilson at Again Faster. "Better than Yesterday"

Monday, October 27, 2008


Hand Stand Push up
Eileen and Louise did an awesome job this morning first time in the HSPU harness! It takes a little getting used to being in that inverted position!
Check this out!! CrossFit on!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Team Wadsworth had another great race despite the cold and rain!

Austin Peters got a PR and took 1st in his age group! I took first in my age group...thanks again to Sandy for not running!

This was a very nice race. Lunch and prizes after the race and for a good cause.


Team Wadsworth is running the Ramon Rocha 5K this morning at 10 AM.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Ok! We've been practicing our thrusters! Time to check in our Fran time!
Pull ups
The morning crew working hard!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


30 seconds each
then 45 seconds each
then 60 seconds each
then 75 seconds each
then 90 seconds each of:

Wall balls
DB swings
pull ups
sit ups
box jumps

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Should anyone have this much fun while working out??? Absolutely! These are the hardest workouts you will ever do....but we have fun and laugh a lot!

Back squat

Monday, October 20, 2008


Main site WOD today!

As many rounds as possible in 20 Minutes of:

5 Thrusters

7 Hang power cleans


Yep! Thrusters again. I know you all hate thrusters. I do too! There is only one way to like them and that is to be good at them. The only way to be good at them is to do them!

It was tough!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


JP and I drove up to CrossFit Rochester for a 7 AM workout this morning. It was a lot of fun! Joe Celso cooked up a brutal...but fun...workout of Tabata thrusters, MB sit ups, SDHPs and box jumps. We met some very cool people including Dave Rice, owner of CrossFit Buffalo, and Andy Petranek, owner of Petranek Fitness - CrossFit Los Angeles. It was like we were in a room full of our best friends and we had never met most of them before.
JP and I were talking on the way home about how we are always amazed at how just plain nice crossfitters are. It must be something to do with regularly going to that painful place I was talking about yesterday.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Hour Tonight!


5 rounds

15 Medicine Ball cleans

15 KTE

15 Push Press

Many times before a workout I am just plain scared. I think it is because CrossFit workouts take me to a place mentally and emotionally that is a little scary. That place where I am unsure of myself...that place where I don't know if I will be able to ignore my burning lungs and muscles...that place where I am afraid I will fail, and there is the possiblity that I will.

Yes, CrossFit is a fantastic physical workout, but it is also a mental, emotional and character-building workout. At the end of the workout I am physically and emotionally drained. After I recover, I am stronger physically and emotionally.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I'm going to be ordering T-shirts soon! Let me know if you are going to want one!

Happy Hour Friday night! This is social gathering, not a workout, although I can't promise I won't do a few pull ups myself. I will be here regular hours Friday afternoon if you want to drop in for a workout.

We will not be open Saturday morning. I am going up to CrossFit Rochester that day.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Cliff had a great workout yesterday. I think it helped that his family was here watching, but he achieved an intensity that I hadn't seen him achieve before. Cliff has had excellent results from his CrossFit training. He has lost almost 30# since May. Deadlift 290#. Completes the workouts in much shorter times. And he says he feels great. Why has Cliff had such great results?

Because he trains consistently. Because he has improved his nutrition. Because he gives all he has to each workout. Because he takes it seriously (not that we don't have fun too!). I'm really proud of him and it was fun to have his family here yesterday to see him demonstrate what he has accomplished!

Monday, October 13, 2008


As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 DL
10 Snatch balance ( pvc or light weight)
5 Burpees

I just signed up for a CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting seminar and I've gotta say I'm pretty excited! I love the Olympic lifts because they are so fun. Also, many of you have got the foundational movements down and are ready to really start learning the oly lifts. This seminar ought to make me a better teacher!

CrossFit demo video of Snatch balance:

If you haven't spent any time viewing CrossFit videos you should!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Crossfit Baseball

JP and Xiao won!


I love Sunday workouts! We have so much fun, and it is nice to have them back in the afternoon! People are in less of a hurry to get out of here in the afternoon than in the morning and we have a lot of fun just playing with lifts and things after the workout! The weather is fantastic today and we're going to play outside! Hope to see you at 2:00 PM!

New member, Vicki. She has potential for greatness!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


More on motivation...........
...........most of the people who are getting the best results here are those that work out with others. They are accountable to the people they work out with. Knowing that someone else is here, expecting you to show up and work out with them provides you the motivation to get here, and we all know that showing up is the hardest 90% of the workout! The rest is just breathing hard and sweating, and it's done! If you can just get here it will get done.
Think about scheduling a regular time for workouts, block it out on your calendar and don't let "life" interfere with that time you have set aside for your workout. That time needs to be set aside on your calendar with the same importance as work or MD appointments. If you plan to workout "when you can fit it in" you won't work out.

It makes me happy every time one of you walks in the door! I really dig working with all of you!

Today we did back squats. Ari and Karen did a very nice job!

Tomorrow's workout at 2PM. Free and open to the public!

Friday Happy Hour 6PM!

Friday, October 10, 2008


From Webster Online Dictionary
Definition: Motivation
1. The psychological feature that arouses an organism to action; the reason for the action; "we did not understand his motivation"; "he acted with the best of motives".

Last year at this time I was very motivated to work out hard. I was registered for a CrossFit certification semimar in December and did not want to appear weak in front of all those other crossfitters :). I think it is good to give yourself some kind of a deadline or event to increase your motivation. A "reason" to workout hard. I need to register for another seminar. Goals are important, but goals without the motivation to attain them are pretty much useless. Think about what might motivate you to attain your fitness goals and set yourself some deadlines!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Cindy did it to us all this week.
A note about yesterday's post. Do not feel bad if you need to take some time off. Sometimes rest is exactly what you need. Just don't automatically think that because you have a limitation that we can't work around it! Check out this amazing man!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Snatch drills

Injuries happen.

Alecia came in to talk to me yesterday. Last week she developed some kind of tendonitis in her wrists (probably not crossfit related....but it doesn't really matter). She needs to seriously rest her wrists for a while. She seemed to feel bad that I needed to modify the workout for her. I DO NOT MIND modifying your workout!! I am a creative person and appreciate the challenge of keeping you fit despite aches, pains and ouchies! Alecia did work out and kickbox (modified). Do not skip a workout just because you see something posted that you think your injury will prevent you from doing. We can substitute, modify or replace the posted workout. This is not a cookie cutter program. I am your personal trainer and concerned about your needs at this time with the goal being your overall fitness. Don't let an injury distract you from your long term goals!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Yesterday I managed 16 rounds of "Cindy". Will did 14. Who had a better score? At first glance you would say that I did, but it is a bit more complicated than that. After the workout, Will was on the floor, gasping, almost catatonic. I had a little bit left. I did not give it my ALL, and he did. Will had the better score.

Nice article from CrossFit Buffalo on scaling workouts. He really says it better than I.

and some reasonable dietary advice:

5 rounds
15 OHS
15 pull ups

Monday, October 6, 2008




As many rounds a possible in 20 minutes of:

5 pull ups

10 push ups

15 squats

Will increased his Cindy score this morning from 10 to 14! Wow!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


The Sunday workout was a lot of fun! We played CrossFit Baseball.

JP and I were discussing the following article. It is an interesting theory. You will experience a certain amount of pain in your life. Do you want it now in slow controlled doses via exercise, or all at once at the end of your life via heart disease and diabetes? Think I'm gonna go with the pain I have some control over.

This is coming up again.....

The great objection to women exercising—namely, the fear of becoming muscular—is quite without foundation. It cannot be too often repeated that woman is not simply a weaker man: she is physically an entirely different being ... In women the muscles simply become firm, close-knit, and well-rounded, and show under the layer of fatty tissue intervening between muscle and skin only in soft, hardly discernible masses, just sufficiently to give a delicate moulding to the form.
Eugen Sandow, Sydney Mail, October 22, 1902

You don't have to go far in the average gym to find someone willing to give you bad information. People are full of ideas and advice about women and weights. The other day I heard the most ludicrous thing yet: that cardio work was bad for you because it built muscle that pushed the fat out farther. Yep, I guess that's why marathon runners are all so obese—duh. Some of the worst offenders are fitness magazines and personal trainers. This is somewhat distressing, considering that people look to such sources for help and information. The other day, reading a fitness magazine, I learned that yoga will firm my breasts (it won't, unless they meant to write "plastic surgeon" instead of "yoga") further de-bunk these myths, continue reading here


Free group workout today at 2:00 PM!
Everyone welcome!
The weather is supposed to be nice. We can play outside!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Main site workout again today:

With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute, two 135 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute, three 135 pound Clean and Jerks the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Scale as appropriate.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some breakfast cereals marketed to U.S. children are more than half sugar by weight and many get only fair scores on nutritional value, Consumer Reports said on Wednesday.A serving of 11 popular cereals, including Kellogg's Honey Smacks, carries as much sugar as a glazed doughnut, the consumer group found.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Mainsite workout today:

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

2 muscle ups

4 Handstand push ups

8 DB swings

Don't worry....I can modify the exercises so that you can do them!