Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Laura ran the workout this morning so I got to participate!
Tom, who usually trains at 585 joined us this morning.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Laura and DDS

making friends with their kettlebells.
Group workout at 8AM and 4 PM on Monday!
The weather is going to be great! Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Holiday Hours

Memorial Day weekend we will have regular hours on Saturday.
On Monday (Memorial Day) there will be a workout at 8 AM and 4 PM.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's Daniel's Birthday!

It's a great workout! Happy Birthday Daniel, and welcome to adulthood! :)

Some of the stuff we do

Good article here by John Sheaffer of Greyskull Barbell Club. He says a few bad things about CrossFit but just ignore that. He offers a very good explanation of why strength is so important and that is why I want you hitting the lifts at least once a week, and why I want you to pick up heavy things! If you are stonger, everything is gonna go better for ya!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Last Weekend

JP did us proud! Numbers and I had a GREAT time volunteering! The Affiliate team workouts were great to watch. I think we should field a team next year! The Masters athletes were awesome. The men and women in the individual competition were just amazing!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

This weekend

Our man JP is competing in Albany this weekend! I'm so proud of him! Make sure you send some good karma his way! This is just a really cool shot of Andrew. BTW Andrew went up significantly on all of his lifts.....give him a high five next time you see him!

Karen lifting heavy! That's our new chica Robyn on the pull up bar! She fits in great and works really hard. Make sure you introduce yourself!

Laura Cook and Jeff Rice are covering classes tomorrow and Saturday. Take the opportunity to have another trainer check you out!! Laura at 9AM on Friday and 10AM on Saturday. Jeff on Friday afternoon.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Look who's back!

Casey and Coop! We love having you guys back at the barn!
Shawn and DDS working the tires!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Gym is clean and ready for another week!

Ready for another week CrossFitters??
Daniel has been consistently working out for a couple of months and it's really paying off for him! He's posting some good times and getting stronger. Good work Daniel! Dan has always been pretty strong, but endurance has really improved!
I'm pretty good at the endurance stuff, but I need to work on the strength and max efforts. What do you need to work on?
Reminder on this weeks schedule: I will be out of town Friday morning until Sunday night to attend and judge the CrossFit Games Northeast Regional competitons.
Normal classes until Friday at 6 AM.
Friday 9AM will be with Laura Cook. Friday afternoon classes will be with Jeff Rice. Laura and Jeff are Crossfit level 1 certified instructors and also happen to be awesome people! Laura will be here at 10 AM on Saturday for Barbell class. I am programming the no hating on Laura and Jeff!
JP is competing in Albany so make sure you send lots of good karma his way!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Our graduating Dragons and Tisser's Parent visit

Sandy's Birthday workout was a blast! The hardest part was maintaining that smile!

It was so nice to meet Andrew's parents! And Andrew Daddy even gave the workout a try and did a great job! He'd be a serious dragon if he worked out consistently!

Congratulations Andrew, Eric, Numbers and Casey!!! You are now college graduates!!

Now...go get a job! :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Next week's schedule and a parking note

Laura jumping and Eric and Paul lookin' good running!

Rockstar having a bad hair day and Number's rocking the pull ups!
Next week I will be out of town from 8AM Friday til Sunday night. Laura will be covering the 9 AM Friday morning class. Jeff Rice will cover the Friday afternoon classes and Laura will be here for the 10 AM Barbell class on Saturday.
I will be attending and judging the CrossFit Games Northeast Qualifiers next weekend. Numbers is also going to be there as staff. JP is competing. I'm really looking forward to the whole experience, and these kind of things usually get me all charged up so be ready for when I get back!!
A note about parking: If you are the first to get here park in the little 3 car space next to the barn, and if you need to park in the driveway pull over to the side enough to let other cars through. We are not fussy about the lawn so if you need to pull on to the grass a's ok!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Congratulations to Eric, Andrew, Casey and Numbers who are all graduating from college this month!

Monday, May 10, 2010

A great article on today

"Use fitness, health, and nutrition to live better, and to engage more fully with life, not to withdraw from it, be angry with it, avoid it, or be afraid of it." Mistress Krista,

This is a fairly long post but definitely worth your time to read.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

To all of our wonderful Mothers! You are all setting a very fine example for your children!