Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Deadlifts, presses, and rowing, oh my!

Good ole fashioned strength and conditioning today!
A few of you have asked my opinion on nutrition and weight loss, so here it goes:
If you are working out consistently and you are not losing weight it is because you are eating too much or eating the wrong stuff. Keep in mind however, that if your weight has remained the same you have probably lost some fat and gained some muscle. In order to lose weight you must consume less calories than you expend. Most people underestimate how much they eat. The best way to see what you are actually eating is to measure and write down everything you eat. A food journal. Try it for a week.
As far as what you are eating: Avoid processed and "junk" foods. Eat eggs, meat, dairy, vegetables, fruit, nuts and whole grains. Don't drink soda and heavily sweetened coffee drinks. Talk to me if you have more specific questions. Everyone tries to make "diet" more complicated than it is. Eat good, whole, natural foods in reasonable quantities and make your body work hard. It really is that simple.

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