Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What's the best workout for you?

"I know!" "I know!" "Pick me!!"

The best workout for you is the one that you will actually do! You could spend years researching journals, books and the internet, picking the brains of all the experts, and devise the "perfect" program. If it's not something you want to do, you won't do it and it will be completely ineffective. It is a very rare person who will stick to a program (or diet for that matter) they don't want to do. These people are some sort of masochistic genetic freaks in my opinion.

Why is CrossFit (or my version of it anyway) the best program for the members here?
Because we are working out with people who become our friends, people we look forward to spending time with. Because there is variety in the programming so it doesn't become boring. Because even if you do an exercise today that you hate...tomorrow you might do one you really like. Because we have fun and don't take ourselves too seriously. What we do isn't for everyone. We work very hard here, and sometimes we're sore, and sometimes we fail, and sometimes we're exhausted, but we always enjoy the company and support of eachother.

If barbells are scary to you, you won't be happy here, but if you like to run and look forward to it everyday, and you manage to do it consistently, then running is the best workout for you at this time. If Curves is a place you want to be, and therefore you workout there 3-4 times a week, then Curves is the best workout for you at this time. Martial arts, yoga, biking, I could go on and on.

The whole point is to get off the sofa/chair and get some physical activity. Nobody has the perfect program except for the one they actually do.

I also have to mention that our very own Laura Cook got her CrossFit level 1 certification this past weekend!! We are very proud of you Laura! And I'm sure you represented us very well, because, well, you're just awesome!

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