Thursday, October 22, 2009

What do you believe?

Ok. Lis Darsh of CrossFit Watertown and CFHQ challenged affiliates to post 10 thing we here it goes.

1. I believe that everyone has value and should be treated as such.
2. I believe that moderation (in everything but a WOD!) is almost always smart.
3. I believe that a good sense of humor makes everything go better.
4. I believe that most people have good intentions.
5. I believe that hard work is good for our bodies and our souls.
6. I believe that people should eat real food in reasonable quanties and not obsess about it.
7. I believe I've truly helped more people in 3 years as a trainer than I did in 20 years of nursing.
8. I believe you will excel at what you consistently the gym and in life.
9. I believe that good relationships with other people is essential to health and happiness.
10. Beliefs need to be evaluated and tested frequently.

1 comment:

Randy said...

I believe that you are one smart cookie Bethany!