Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rest and recovery

I pretty much took last week off except for the rowing of course. I didn't take a week off on purpose, I just didn't get around to it, didn't feel like it, and had other stuff on my mind. Turns out it was probably a good idea to take the week off. My workouts have been great this week. My body is thanking me for giving it time to fully heal.

Karen is going on vacation soon and she was talking yesterday about her concerns about not being able to get her workouts in while she is on vacation. Anyone who knows Karen knows that she has worked out consistently 5 days a week since August. It is time for Karen to take a week off and enjoy her vacation!! Her body will thank her and it will show in her workouts when she gets back!
Karen! If you need both Tim and Luke after a workout...it's time for a vacation!

Here's an article on Overhead Squats that will get you fired up to do more of them!

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