Sunday, September 19, 2010


Done, and 3 months early!
I'm sort of sad it's over. Like there is an empty hole now, a lack of purpose. I will keep rowing. In the last 9 months I have learned that I like rowing. The 250's and 500's are great sprints, and the 5 and 10K's are those great medatative bouts that I have missed since I had to give up long distance running. But I am left with the emptiness of not having a longish term goal. Yes, I want to get to that 2 wheel DL and that BW Bench, but there was a lovely incremental, "just do one more 1K" beauty to that 1 million challenge. So, I'm on the lookout for the next challenge.
Set a goal. Accept a challenge. Persevere and accomplish. Trust me. It feels great!


Daniel said...

Congratulations, I'm really proud of you!

JP Mummey said...

B-dub! You never cease to amaze. 5,000 burpees, 5,000 pullups, and now a million meters. Congrats, can't wait to see what's next

JP Mummey said...

Deadlift YAY!

Rowing BOO!

Still can't believe you did a million!