Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Whoah, I haven't posted in awhile

OK, we do occasionally do some really weird stuff here.

I've had a lot of diet questions lately. I am not a dietitian or a nutritionist, but I can tell you with utmost confidence that if you consume more calories than you expend, you will gain weight, and if you consume less calories than you expend you will lose weight. There are all kinds of variables (body composition, thermic effect, blah, blah, blah) in there, but the bottom line is it is calories in vs. calories out.
You know what you should and shouldn't eat, and you know that if you are uncomfortably full you have eaten too much.
Try a food journal. Write down everything that goes in your mouth for a week and bring it to me. If you want to lose weight, we can identify some problems that need to be eliminated, or if you want to gain weight we can figure out what you need to add.
And I have to add this. It is possible to lose weight eating crap food (cal. in vs. cal. out), but do you really want to do that? Eat real food, as close as possible to it's natural state and you will feel better. Trust me on this!

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