Sunday, July 20, 2008


Cooper, Craig and I did "Filthy Fifty" (posted on the main site) this morning. Subbed tuck jumps for double unders. Coop and I did it in a little over 33 minutes. It was a brutal way to get back into the CrossFit groove after a week on the beach!

I think it is very useful to set goals and make a plan of action to achieve those goals. In order to get somewhere you kinda need to know where you are going, where you are, and how you are going to get there. I set a new goal today. I want to be able to do ring muscle ups in 6 months. I can do the pull up part, and I think I can get the transiton, but I definitely can't finish the dip. So....I'm going to work on my dips. I will add dips to my warm up everyday and I will attempt a muscle up every 2 weeks.

Spend a little time thinking about what you want to do and set some goals. Let me know what they are and I will help you with a plan!
High fives to Luanne and Cliff who reported that they met and did a workout while I was gone. Also to the lovely Lakeville ladies who got together at our regular workout times and did what sounds like pretty brutal workouts!

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