Sunday, December 7, 2008


From ACSM article "Carbohydrate Restricted Diets and Resistance Training - A Powerful Combination to Enhance Body Composition and Improve Metabolic Health" by Erin E. Quann, M.A., R.D., A.B.D.

Obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes have reached epidemic proportions and there is no 'one' pharmacoligic treatment that targets fat loss and all of the metabolic markers. Experimental results demonstrate that carbohydrate restriction offers a viable alternative to fat restricted diets that have had only limited success. Carbohydrate restricted diets have repeatedly resulted in favorable body weight, lipid, and insulin sensitivity imporovements, and this recent evidence demonstrated that a CRD (Carbohydrate Restricted Diet) is also an effective method to favorably impact body compositon. A primary concern with conventional weight loss approaches is the loss of lean body mass that occurs when fat mass is decreased. Consuming higher protein, while restricting carbohydrate, allows for greater preservation of lean body mass. Finally, if a CRD is paired with periodized resistance training, fat loss and increases in leam body mass can occur simultaneouly while still promoting robust improvements in metabolic health."

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