Friday, August 15, 2008


Maybe you think exercise is something you do if you have extra time or money. A luxury. I disagree. Exercise is as essential to your health and quality of life as food, shelter and sleep. Sure, you might get away with not exercising for awhile, but it will definitely catch up to you with things like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, or just the inability to do the things you want to do. Unless your job requires you to move around alot and lift heavy things, you need to find the time and make it a priority to use your body in a very physical way, i.e. exercise.

The CrossFit method trains your body in a functional way. In other words, the exercises we use (squats, deadlifts, pull ups, etc.) are exercises that use all of your muscles as a "team" in order to produce increases in functional strength. Learning to deadlift correctly will enable you to safely lift any heavy object that life requires you to lift. Regularly training the squat will give you the strength and flexibility to run better, jump better, climb better, dance better! Your posture will improve and you will have increased stamina.

One half hour to one hour 4-5 days a week. As necessary as food, shelter and sleep. Makes sense to make it a priority.

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