Saturday, November 14, 2009

We have a Rock Star among us!

We are all rock stars.....but this needs to be highlighted

Courtney did a 215# backsquat, 95# press and 290# DL this morning which gives her a total of 600#! That is a 65# increase in her total since May! Make sure you give her a high five!

Numbers and Austin messing around with handstands! Austin turned 14 today!
Marsha, Lori, George, Ariel, Numbers, Steven, JP, Laura, Craig and I went up to Rochester last night for the grand opening of CrossFit 585
We had a great time and Eric and Tello have a really nice gym!
I'm in Montclair, NJ this evening and going to attend a meeting of Northeast CrossFit affiliates tomorrow. Don't worry! I'll be back for 5 AM on Monday!


Diana said...

Yes, a total rockstar and she looks amazing too! Congrats :)

Cooper said...

Austin is 14 and Courtney's strong enough to approach a #300 DL??? AMAZING things are happening at CF Geneseo. I can't wait to stop back next week!