Monday, July 19, 2010

Fitness is for everyone

It doesn't matter if you are a 22 year old in top physical condition or a 84 year old who sometimes has trouble getting out of a chair. Fitness is for everyone. It is not exclusive to those who are genetically gifted or who have spent their whole lives exercising. We all have bodies that were designed and created to be active. To do work.

My facebook friend and Kick Ass gym Crucible Gym posted this article on FB today. My immediate response was...yeah, the popularity of the marathon has "dumbed it down" a bit, but isn't it better for someone to get off the sofa and walk a marathon, than continue to sit on the sofa? And once a person commits to traveling 26.2 miles on foot, isn't that person way more likely than your average monkey to continue to explore a healthy lifestyle?

We all have to start where we start. For me it was a karate lesson. For some people it's walking, or messing around with 3# dumbbells, or an aerobics class. There is nothing wrong with deadlifting a 25# barbell, as long as you get off the sofa and start deadlifting. The point is to do something! The "next level" will always be there. I spent most of the weekend watching the CrossFit Games. I am unlikely to reach the fitness level of those people (even the masters) in my lifetime. Does that mean that I give up and sit on the sofa? No. I will get up everyday and do the best that I can do on that day. We'll see where it takes me, but I am miles ahead of the same 47 year old woman who has given up and is sitting on the couch.

You start where you start. It's the starting that is important.

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