Thursday, March 12, 2009


I've spoken to many of you about the wonderful Oly Cert I went to last weekend. I learned some great stuff and cleaned up my own technique on the clean and jerk and snatch. I also got a bit inspired about "form" so expect me to be just a tad more nit-picky with you!

Good form is essential to your safety and your ability to make progress. I know it is frustrating to have to go back in weight or not be able to move as fast as you want to because I am harping on you about your form...but in the long will be able to make progress faster if your form is rock solid.

I'm going to a Barbell Cert March 28-29. I'm pretty excited about learning more about the power lifts from Mark Rippetoe, and of course having some quality information to bring home to Geneseo CrossFitters! JP will be covering the classes and open hours as he did last weekend.

1 comment:


it's always a good afternoon when playing with snatches :)