Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Timmy has "food issues"

First of all. Tim is a cat. More importantly he is a cat who spent a couple of months of his life his "food issues" are somewhat understandable.

Why do we have "food issues"? Why do we eat stuff we know isn't good for us? Why do we keep eating after our hunger is satisfied, in fact, continuing to eat even though we are full to the brim? I suppose the answers are different for everyone, but the plan to deal with it is probably the same for all of us. Food is fuel, tasty yes, but fuel for our daily activities. We should consume good fuel so that we don't gunk up our engines, and we should only get enough fuel to drive our daily activity....or we are going to store that excess fuel as body fat. I am not an advocate of any particular diet, because I think we all have different needs, but I do think that everyone should pay attention to the quality of the food we eat, and stop eating when we are no longer hungry.

Now enjoy your holidays ;)

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