Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This girl is going to kick some

Courtney started Crossfitting a couple of weeks ago. Since then she has gotten her first pull up and yesterday she did 80# presses! She is going to breathe fire! Nice John Deere sweatshirt Court! Way to bring a little redneck to CrossFit Geneseo!

JP is on vacation in Arizona for a week! He plans to visit several Arizona Affiliates while he is there and I expect him to be sporting some new tee-shirts and have some new ideas when he gets back. Have a great time JP and Sam...and little Chase too!

Tough, tough workout today but so far everyone has loved it! Painful in a good way ;)


george said...

Sorry I missed that "tough" work out . . .George

Bethany said...

Hahaha might still be on the board never know....