Monday, May 18, 2009

Maybe it's your high tech shoes causing all those problems

Alecia got to round 2 of the WOD today and her feet were killing her. A decent pair of Nike's. I told her to take the shoes off. She completed the remaining 5 rounds of the workout with no foot pain. In fact, she would have kicked my butt on that workout if she had started without the shoes. There is some interesting stuff on the Crossfit Endurance website on shoes. Here is one article. Personally, I have less back and hip pain when I work out barefoot or in my cheap little flats.

We did some burpees, tire jumps and DB cleans and I got some great pics! Leesh has got a purty squat, and Lori was getting some serious air on those tire jumps...hmmm...might be time to lose the box Lori!

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