Wednesday, June 24, 2009


There is a difference between delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and an acute injury. DOMS usually occurs 12-48 hours after a workout and is characterized by very sore and stiff muscles. DOMS is not a reason to stop training, in fact another workout will often ease the discomfort of DOMS. An injury usually causes immediate pain. For example, you lift a weight or jump and say, "Ouch! OMG that hurt!!!" We've had a couple of minor injuries this week. Dad bruised his bicep, Lori pulled a quad and Alecia tweaked her back. When you train hard you will occasionally have an injury. What then?

Ice the injured site immediately and several times a day until the pain goes away. Ice should be applied to the affected area for approximately 20 min. (until the area feels numb), every hour or two. Ice is very effective at reducing inflammation and pain and probably will do more to speed your recovery than anything else.

Take it easy on the injured body part. In this case.."No pain, no gain"...does not apply!

Do not stop training! We can change, adapt the workouts to accomodate the injury. There may be times when I tell you to take a few days off or your physician recommends complete rest, but most of the time you will be able to do something.

In some cases you may need to seek medical attention. If you do, please let your physician know what kind of movements you are training and what he/she recommends you continue or not continue until the injury is resolved. And always let me know what kind of medical restrictions you must comply with!

Dad was able to play golf yesterday with his arm and is coming in for workout tomorrow, but we are going to take it easy on his arms. Lori's leg feels better and she will be in for a workout today, but she won't be doing any running or jumping.

Even with the occasional injury this lifestyle is far superior to getting stuck on the toilet at 78 because you aren't strong enough to get up!

It's really nice to have Coop back here for a little while before he goes off to college! And here's a short video of Courtney.

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