Friday, September 25, 2009

Is crossfit for you?

It is if you are willing to work HARD and want results. Where you start, fitness wise, isn't really important.
CrossFit uses all "functional" movements, i.e. movements that our bodies are already programmed to do, and thus the movements can all be scaled to anyone's ability. Is my dad's workout the same as Courtney's? Yes! It is, but with significantly less weight and sometimes less rounds or reps, but he performs the same movements. Can Dad always get full range of motion? No, but he's getting more than if he weren't doing CrossFit. Dad mentioned the other day that he has gained some weight. I asked him if his clothes still fit to which he responded, "yes, yes they do." I can therefore deduce that Dad has gained some muscle! More muscle tissue is a good thing for everyone and in particular for a man over 70!
There is an inspiring story here from CrossFit Santa Cruz. Just because you're out of shape and have some aches and pains doesn't necessarily rule out CrossFit for you! All you need is a desire to work hard and consistently. Oh, and did I mention we also have a great deal of fun!
Here are some picture of the fun we were having this morning. Two of these people have serious knee injuries but are still able to work hard and get results with modified workouts!

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