Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday morning musings......

-I don't think enough of you are eating your breakfast. Really. Your body needs food when you first get up. You should have a small meal of protein, carb and fat within 1/2 hour of rising. Saying you don't have time is not a valid excuse. How much time does it take to grab a cheese stick and a small apple? Eating breakfast is how you tell your body that it will be receiving some nutrition today and it's ok to burn some calories!

-Daily challenges. Is there an exercise or movement that you're really not very good at, afraid of, dread seeing come up in a workout? Daily challenges are a great way to turn that goat into an exercise that you are good at and maybe even into one you look forward to seeing in a workout.
I have done several daily challenges and as a result burpees no longer scare me, I can climb a rope like a little spider, my pull ups have improved and I am slowly making friends with that 14# medicine ball.
What is a daily challenge? It is a commitment to practicing a movement every day. You can set it up any way you want. Do it x times everyday for x amount of days, or increase the reps each day. Tack it onto your warm up, or do it after your workout or when you first get up. You don't want to make it super challenging or time consuming. The important thing is regular practice. If you need help setting up a daily challenge for yourself I'd be happy to offer suggestions!

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