Wednesday, September 30, 2009

There's another CrossFit in the area!!

Big congratulations to Eric Cady and Adam Cristantello on their affiliation with CrossFit and the opening of CrossFit 585 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. They are located on St. Paul in the City of Rochester. I met Eric and Adam at the Albany qualifiers and they are quality guys! We might need to organize a little field trip to go check out their place!
We did a little upside down strength training this week, and I got a couple of pics of new members Cassie and Steven.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

'nuff said

"anyone can join a gym and see no results if they have no discipline....but crossfit they do see results...and Thats why I thank you:)" ~ Cliffy

Hips back!!

In the first picture Ariel has her hips back, weight in the heels and barbell balanced over her mid foot. Everything is lined up correctly and this squat went well. In the second picture her hips are not back, she has come up on her toes and her knees are way ahead of her toes. Every thing is out of balance and she has to struggle to get up without falling. She made it but it wasn't pretty. The hips have got to be back.

There are only 3 more free yoga classes! This Wednesday at 7 and next Tuesday and Wednesday at 7. If you've ever wanted to give yoga a try this is your opportunity! I've taken 3 of the classes and I must say that by the third one I am noticing a difference in my flexiblity and awareness of how I am moving my body and am definitely thinking about making yoga a regular part of my routine. Yoga moves a little slow for us crossfitters...there is no stopwatch! But it is way more interesting than plain old stretching and we all need to stretch!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Is crossfit for you?

It is if you are willing to work HARD and want results. Where you start, fitness wise, isn't really important.
CrossFit uses all "functional" movements, i.e. movements that our bodies are already programmed to do, and thus the movements can all be scaled to anyone's ability. Is my dad's workout the same as Courtney's? Yes! It is, but with significantly less weight and sometimes less rounds or reps, but he performs the same movements. Can Dad always get full range of motion? No, but he's getting more than if he weren't doing CrossFit. Dad mentioned the other day that he has gained some weight. I asked him if his clothes still fit to which he responded, "yes, yes they do." I can therefore deduce that Dad has gained some muscle! More muscle tissue is a good thing for everyone and in particular for a man over 70!
There is an inspiring story here from CrossFit Santa Cruz. Just because you're out of shape and have some aches and pains doesn't necessarily rule out CrossFit for you! All you need is a desire to work hard and consistently. Oh, and did I mention we also have a great deal of fun!
Here are some picture of the fun we were having this morning. Two of these people have serious knee injuries but are still able to work hard and get results with modified workouts!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bad days

The afternoon crew and Dad on the rings

We all have bad days. Days when nothing seems to go our way. Sometimes we have bad workout days. Days when you just can't seem to move as fast or lift as much; nothing feels right and you feel like you can't breathe. Everyone has them. After you've assessed your nutrition and sleep and ruled out illness you might need to accept that you're just having a bad day and move on, get up the next day and work out. Even if you had a bad day, at least you moved your body and did something.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Take your barbell for a walk.....

......and then Clean and Jerk it! Do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around...that's what it's all about!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday morning musings......

-I don't think enough of you are eating your breakfast. Really. Your body needs food when you first get up. You should have a small meal of protein, carb and fat within 1/2 hour of rising. Saying you don't have time is not a valid excuse. How much time does it take to grab a cheese stick and a small apple? Eating breakfast is how you tell your body that it will be receiving some nutrition today and it's ok to burn some calories!

-Daily challenges. Is there an exercise or movement that you're really not very good at, afraid of, dread seeing come up in a workout? Daily challenges are a great way to turn that goat into an exercise that you are good at and maybe even into one you look forward to seeing in a workout.
I have done several daily challenges and as a result burpees no longer scare me, I can climb a rope like a little spider, my pull ups have improved and I am slowly making friends with that 14# medicine ball.
What is a daily challenge? It is a commitment to practicing a movement every day. You can set it up any way you want. Do it x times everyday for x amount of days, or increase the reps each day. Tack it onto your warm up, or do it after your workout or when you first get up. You don't want to make it super challenging or time consuming. The important thing is regular practice. If you need help setting up a daily challenge for yourself I'd be happy to offer suggestions!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The wedding was wonderful

Our daughter Laura's best friend and one of my all time favorite people, Cathy was married to a fantastic young man named Kenan today and we hosted the reception in our back yard! The gym was definitely not the focus of the day, but a few people checked it out and I even convinced the bride to do a few pull ups!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Had to turn the heat on this morning! Yikes!

The first 2 yoga classes went very well. CrossFitters! We are stong and have stamina but we are tight and inflexible! There a still a few spots to sign up. Give it a try! Doug is a great instructor, not too spiritual or intimidating, and it's harder than you might think! A few of those poses kicked my a$$!

The first few rounds of that back squat ladder challenged Cliff's ADD a little and Courtney was top Dawg for the day with 24 rounds/minutes! George was second with 22 min/rounds!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Would ya hurry up with the camera already??

And Cliffy checks that tire off his list!

Way to go Cliff!!


  • Main Entry: 1fel·low·ship
  • Pronunciation: \ˈfe-lə-ˌship, -lō-\
  • Function: noun
  • Date: before 12th century

1 : companionship, company 2 a : community of interest, activity, feeling, or experience b : the state of being a fellow or associate 3 : a company of equals or friends : association 4 : the quality or state of being comradely

Yes, it was nice to win the Golden Kettlebell, (at least for now....those Dansville athletes were moving very well....we'll have to stay on top of our game to keep it!), but the fellowship was the most important part of the day on Sunday. It just feels good to be in community with others and community is a significant part of why CrossFit works. Not only do you get a great workout, you get the love and support of others. You join a club. You belong. That's really what makes the world go round folks! And we had some mossst excellent fellowship!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The first Livingston County CrossFit Palooza was a great success!

Workouts, fun, food, fellowship with old and new friends, and even a couple of PR's! What a way to spend a Sunday afternoon! Thanks to everyone who stopped by!
More pictures to come once I get a bit more organized!

When you see Alecia today.....

........Make sure you congratulate her on increasing her CFT by 97#!!
Go Deb! Nice triple extension! Pretty damn good power snatch for a beginner!


x - Food
x - Equipment
x - lawn mowed
x - bathroom clean
x - beer
x- photographer

We're all set! See you at 2:00!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tomorrow is the Big Day

The WOD's are planned and the weather report looks good! We have a good number of athletes participating. It's going to be a blast for those participating and very entertaining for those who are spectating!
Gym is closing today at 10 AM so get here by 9:15 if you're going to workout today!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Plain ole Thursday at CrossFit Geneseo

Sign up for Yoga! Yoga is a wonderful compliment to our CrossFit workouts! It will improve our flexibility and further train us to use our bodies correctly. I'm going to take all 8 classes! What an opportunity to get it for free! Classes are Tues and Wed nights at 7PM starting next week and Saturday Sept. 26 at 8 AM.
Lori lookin' Hot, Hot, Hot! Must be that consistent Crossfit training and careful attention to what she puts in her mouth! Mom and Dad swinging some bells!
My morning Chicas!

Another guest trainer! This is Luke and he belongs to Sandy, Austin, Connor, etc. Peters and will be with us until Sunday. In case you hadn't noticed our new hobby is dog sitting!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Please don't forget to sign up for free Yoga classes!

I'm getting pretty excited about our WOD/Picnic/Palooza with Dansville Fitness Club! I think most of you have let me know if you are attending or not, but if you haven't please let me know.

George and Karen dumbbell swingin', Ariel and Rockstar Overhead squattin' and Leesh swinging a kettlebell.

And I really hope none of you are still drinking this stuff...but here's another reason not to!