Sunday, September 6, 2009

Finish line Burpees and Tire Re-matches

The Oak Tree 5K and Half Marathon was this morning and 7 Geneseo CrossFitters participated. Sandy Peters, Austin Peters, Connor Peters, Chung Peters, Jessica Clarke, JP and me. Jessica ran one of her best times on a 5K! Sandy completed the 5K despite a pesky knee injury. JP completed the half marathon, and I completed the 5K. JP and I decided before the race that we would both do 10 Burpees at each mile marker and just before the finish line. Pictured above are JP's finish line burpees. Yeah, we got some strange looks from some running specialists who are very concerned about finish time. There were some phenomenal runners there btw including a 79 year old man who finished the half marathon before JP! This is a really nice race and alot of fun and I strongly encourage all of you to give it a try next year.

Had a visit yesterday from our West Point friend Tray and his lovely and charming girlfriend Alex. They went for a hike into Fallbrook and a run. He also stopped by for a re-match with the tire and won this time! Wear your CrossFit Geneseo t-shirt proudly Tray!


Cooper said...

Aw... It seems like the last Oak Tree was just a few weeks ago. I so wish I was there. I'm glad JP finished! The burpees sound fun.

Speaking of which, I'll probably be doing the run/burpee workout tomorrow morning :p

Pru said...

Who gave JP that Hat ?!?!?!?